Wednesday, March 09, 2016

A Surprising Hair Loss & Baldness Treatment - Garlic and Onions.

Did you realize that Garlic and the humble onion may be used topically as a natural baldness and hair loss treatment?
A hair loss remedy can be natural and made with herbs and vitamins, and garlic and onions certainly count as being natural ingredients.
The reason many of us want the natural way is to try and avoid the side effects from chemicals and drugs that mainstream medicine use, and the cost saving is a great bonus.
Onions and garlic may also help to cover up hair loss and balding, by giving the remaining hair a much better appearance.

How do Onions and Garlic help cure and prevent hair loss and balding?

  • One way in which the garlic and onion hair loss remedies may work, is by providing nourishment topically to the hair follicles, especially if the nourishment of the hair follicles is being blocked by DHT or by bad diet.
  • Another way in which the onion and garlic topical remedies may act to cure hair loss and baldness, is by killing some germs that may be infecting the scalp area.
  • Yet another mode of action of garlic and onion on hair loss and baldness, is by killing parasites that may be infecting the scalp.
  • Also, some fungi infections may respond to garlic and onions being applied directly to them, and that may help remedy some types of hair loss and baldness.
So you can see how garlic and onions may help cure someones baldness and hair loss, as they attack the hair loss from so many different angles.

Try this:

60 minutes before you go to sleep, crush up a garlic clove and then rub the clove into the area of hair loss. It is important that the juice of the clove is smeared over the area fully and firmly.
Do NOT rub the the crushed clove too hard against the scalp, or you may cause traction alopecia - baldness caused by pulling on hair.
Leave for 60 minutes and then apply olive oil, gently rubbing the olive oil into the scalp.
For sleeping, you will need to wear a shower cap or something similar.
When you awake the next day, the first thing you should do is shampoo your hair.
(Adding a garlic extract to shampoo can also help to further strengthen hair and stop any breakage, while, at the same time, it can add good body to the hair and a nice gloss).
This hair loss and baldness remedy will work best if you can do this for a few weeks.
Hopefully, the hair will no longer be falling out and may start to re-grow.

For a hair loss and balding remedy using any onion

Try this:
Squeeze the juice out of one medium to large uncooked onion.
Apply the onion juice to the top of the scalp and massage deep into the hair roots - but again, do gently, so as not to cause traction alopecia.
You will need to leave it onto the top of the scalp for around 30 minutes and then shampoo.
By doing this onion hair loss and balding treatment everyday, you may find a great transformation of the hair on your head in several months.
Onion juice rejuvinates hair follicles and boosts the scalp circulation, so it should likely help the re-growth of strong hair.
If either the garlic or onion remedy for hair loss and balding work for you, please let me know

picture credit: colorbox

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