Sunday, September 11, 2016

Between The Journalist And The Spokesperson - By Reuben Abati

In the past few weeks, my colleagues who have taken over as spokespersons for the Muhammadu Buhari government and the All Progressives Congress have found themselves in the line of fire, as they are accused of destroying their old reputation as truth-tellers, courageous journalists and activists of the Fourth and Fifth Estates of the Realm. It is the same old accusation. Once a journalist crosses into government and becomes a spokesperson, he or she is called all kinds of names: traitor, turn-coat, hustler. Readers and fans feel betrayed. The defender of the people’s interest is accused of “joining them” to go and “eat”.

This is the dilemma of every Nigerian journalist who has taken up the job of spokesperson in whatever governmental capacity. I was abused, vilified and called all kinds of names, but it wasn’t so different with my predecessors nor has it been any easier for my successors. My favourite on this subject was a poem published online titled “The Death of Reuben Abati’s pen” (I don’t remember the author) but Pius Adesanmi was charitable to me in another piece in which he argued that I really didn’t need the job, but my “arrogance” could be tolerated. Pius, o kare oh.

In other parts of the world, journalists also get appointed as spokespersons. The assumption is that a journalist who has spent years communicating with the public, will be able to write, articulate views, understand the media system and the technology of the practice,

Hillary Clinton collapses at 9/11 Memorial Ceremony

Video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton appearing to collapse as she was led into a van after suffering a 'medical episode' during the 9/11 memorial service. The Democratic presidential candidate is seen standing on a curb near the World Trade Center when she suddenly appeared unable to stand.

She seems to nearly fall to the ground before she is caught by her aides, who hold her up. Her security detail then had to help her into the van by grabbing each of her arms.